
Continuous Improvement Projects Survey

CRSB is seeking feedback to help coordinate continuous improvement projects across Canada that align with its Principles of Sustainability.


The Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB) has a vision to be the go-to forum for sustainability conversations. Part of this work includes communicating the continuous improvement of the Canadian beef industry’s sustainability.  Recognizing that there are multiple players in this field, CRSB has a role in communication and coordination. In order to support improvements in future updates of the National Beef Sustainability Assessments (NBSA), CRSB is looking to profile projects that build on the following goals identified in the National Beef Sustainability Strategy.

The go-to Forum for Sustainability:

To build a stronger and more united beef sustainability community and increase awareness of sustainable beef production, CRSB is developing a webpage that provides an inventory map of projects that contribute to continuous improvement of beef production across Canada – recognizing that there are multiple players in the supply chain.

In order to populate this webpage CRSB is conducting a survey of Projects for Continuous Improvement. A summary of the survey results will be presented at the CRSB AGM in Calgary on September 20, 2018, followed by a discussion about current activities, gaps, and priorities.

This inventory map webpage will provide information for producers looking to reduce environmental impacts and enhance ecosystem services and biodiversity. The map will list projects in their area that are relevant to their production systems. The value of this map is transparent communication to members and non-members about efforts in this area to avoid duplication and align efforts across groups.

Complete Survey Now!

Click here for more information and to complete the survey.  We encourage you to share with your colleagues and stakeholders who may be involved in continuous improvement projects of interest to the CRSB.

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