
Calgary Co-op Commits to Supporting Sustainable Beef Production

September 1, 2022 – CALGARY – Calgary Co-op is committing to sustainable beef production in Canada
with the launch of its new Only Alberta Black Angus Beef brand featuring the CRSB Certified Mass Balance
Beef Sustainability logo. This new product line supports Calgary Co-op’s mission to provide exceptional
products and services that sustain and grow their business and communities.

In 2018, Calgary Co-op launched its Only Alberta Beef brand, with a commitment to only carry locally raised,fresh Alberta Beef. The Only Alberta Beef brand has been embraced by consumers, and this transformationto Only Alberta Black Angus Beef with a sustainability element elevates the current product offering. Black Angus beef is one of the most recognized beef brands in the world, associated with premium quality, tender and flavourful cuts. This change will provide a unique, quality product for Calgary Co-op members.

“This move to Only Alberta Black Angus Beef featuring the CRSB Certified mark reiterates our commitment to our community, says Ken Keelor, CEO of Calgary Co-op.” Not only are we are providing the highest quality, locally produced beef to our members, but we are also supporting initiatives of our local cattle ranchers while helping to preserve our fragile ecosystem at the same time.” 

The Black Angus beef is sourced from JBS Canada, which is a CRSB Certified sustainable facility, and is committed to supporting CRSB Certified Alberta beef ranchers. 

“We are pleased to partner with local ranchers to support sustainable beef production in Canada,” says David Colwell, President of JBS Canada. “Our aim is always to responsibly meet the needs of today, while improving the ability of future generations to do the same. We are extremely pleased to partner with Calgary Co-op to make this industry leading program possible.”

“We are pleased to see Calgary Co-op partner with JBS Canada to incorporate sustainability in their Only Alberta Black Angus Beef brand,” says Anne Wasko, Past Chair of the CRSB and rancher from Eastend, SK. “ Supporting the sustainable practices and improvements that Canadian farmers and ranchers embrace each and every day on their operations is key to making sustainability progress in Canada, and Calgary Co-op’s commitment to sustainable sourcing will help share that story with Alberta Consumers.”

Calgary Co-op, JBS Canada and CRSB are partnering for the long term to advance beef sustainability, promote animal welfare and ensure the Canadian beef industry remains economically viable for Alberta cattle ranchers.

To learn more about Calgary Co-op’s Only Alberta Black Angus Beef, visit

Read full press release. 

For media inquiries please reach out to:

Sage Pullen McIntosh 

Director of Communications, Calgary Co-op (403) 219-6025 Ext 6105

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