Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef seeks final public input on sustainability indicators for beef processing: Comment period open October 5-November 4, 2017
For Immediate Release
October 5, 2017
The Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB) works collaboratively through its multi-stakeholder membership to promote sustainability across the Canadian beef industry. As part of a Verified Sustainable Beef Framework the CRSB is developing, a series of sustainability indicators reflect what will be measured to evaluate sustainable practices across the beef value chain. The CRSB conducted an initial consultation on sustainability indicators for the beef processing sector this summer. Based on the responses during the initial consultation, the indicators for beef processing have been refined, and CRSB is now seeking additional public input on the updated draft. Comments received came from a variety of diverse perspectives, and CRSB appreciates all who offered their valuable feedback.
A 30-day public consultation was launched today, and runs from October 5 to November 4, 2017. All relevant materials can be found at All comments will be reviewed, and written responses to each comment will be summarized on the CRSB website following the consultation. Along with verification protocols, chain of custody guidelines and sustainability claims, the final production and processing indicators will form part of the CRSB’s Verified Sustainable Beef Framework being launched in December of this year.
“With guidance from a steering committee of diverse expertise, the CRSB has developed sustainability indicators for beef processing that supplement indicators for beef production”, said Cherie Copithorne-Barnes, Chair of the CRSB and cattle producer west of Calgary, AB. “I believe these indicators will provide the beef processing sector with the support to implement sustainable practices in their operations, and will assist the Canadian beef industry to meet consumer demand for programs that show our commitment to sustainable beef production.”
Page Stuart, an Alberta cattle feeder and Tim Hardman, Beef Director with the World Wildlife Fund, co-chaired the committee that developed the indicators. “Committee members from across the beef value chain contributed diverse perspectives in identifying areas to support the beef processing sector in enhancing its practices across all five principles of sustainability”, says Stuart. “Based on feedback from the first consultation, indicators have been refined, and more detailed metrics across the three levels of the scoring system have been added,” commented Stuart. “I look forward to the feedback we receive over the next 30 days, in order to finalize the indicators as part of the Verified Sustainable Beef Framework later this year,” she added.