Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef hosts membership in Toronto Ontario for Annual General Meeting and release of Annual Report
Toronto, Ontario September 28, 2023 – The Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB) hosted a successful Annual General Meeting in Toronto the past three days with international guests and members from across the country and supply chain.
The CRSB Annual General Meeting kicked off with keynote speaker Jeff Simmons, President and CEO of Elanco Animal Health talking about the future outlook of sustainable livestock. He talked about the positive role of livestock and the leadership role of Canada and the CRSB in that sustainable future.
CRSB’s business meeting followed with annual progress updates from Chair Ryan Beierbach and Executive Director Monica Hadarits. Greg Bowie, CRSB’s Governance Committee Chair announced the results of the 2023 CRSB Council elections, and Andrea White (Director, Marketing & Stakeholder Relations) provided an update on the development of the Sustainability Strategy that will accompany the release of the National Beef Sustainability Assessment, including a summary of feedback received during a recent member comment period.
Committee updates were provided from the CRSB’s guiding committees’ work, including:
- Certified Sustainable Beef Framework Committee
- Communications and Marketing Committee
- Scientific Advisory Committee
A highlight of the day was a very engaging panel discussion on “Portioning, Packaging and Food Waste” featuring key CRSB members including Canada Beef, Recipe Unlimited, Walmart, and Jenna Sarich (CRSB staff).
We finished the day with a panel and breakout discussion around “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion” with industry representation from Beef Farmers of Ontario, Syngenta, Canadian Agriculture Human Resources Association and CRSB.
Check out the 2023 CRSB Annual Report, released today, available on our website in both English and French for a more detailed look at our work and accomplishments over the past year.
Following are the representatives elected and re-elected to the 2023-24 CRSB Council. Visit our Council page to view full 2023-24 CRSB Council.
Beef Producer Associations:
Andrea Stroeve-Sawa, National Cattle Feeders Association – re-elected for a 2-year term
Beef Processors and Associations:
Clay Holmes, Intercity Packers re-elected for a 2-year term
*Clay was also elected by the new Council to serve a 1-year term as Vice-Chair.
Retail & Foodservice:
- Hope Bentley, McDonalds Canada – elected for a 2-year term
- Stephen Clark, Chop Steakhouse & Bar – re-elected for a 1-year term
- Tom Lynch-Staunton, Nature Conservancy of Canada – re-elected for a 2-year term
- Sam Wildman, World Wildlife Fund US – elected for a 1-year term
Agriculture & Food Business:
Tim Hardman, Fulton Market Group – elected for a 2-year term
Three Government Liaisons (non-voting) were appointed by the new Council to continue to support CRSB Council:
- Karen Clark, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
- Fonda Froats, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture
- Jamie White, Alberta Agriculture & Irrigation
For more information, contact:
Andrea White
Director of Marketing & Stakeholder Relations
The event started with a delicious meal at Montana’s Restaurant.
Check out highlights of our tour, sponsored by Syngenta Canada, featuring three stops, including a nature hike at Happy Valley Forest – hosted by Nature Conservancy of Canada, a visit and delicious lunch at Beretta Farms where we heard about their journey from two pigs to a fully integrated and consumer-focused farm business, and Schaus Land & Cattle feed yard, a CRSB Certified Operation where we learned about their sustainable practices, steam-flaking corn mill and how Syngenta supports continuous improvement.
Canada Beef hosted a wonderful reception that evening.