
2021 Annual Projects Survey Now Open

2021 Projects Survey now open!

CRSB has an online inventory of projects that contribute to continuous improvement of beef production across Canada. This inventory provides information for interested stakeholders, listing projects by location, goal and target audience. The value of this inventory is transparent communication to members and non-members alike, about efforts in this area align efforts across groups (and avoid duplication).

To keep the inventory current, and to support improvements in future updates of the National Beef Sustainability Assessments (NBSA), CRSB profiles projects that build on the following goals identified in the National Beef Sustainability Strategy, identified via an annual survey.

The survey is active April 1 to May 31 every year, and this years survey is now open. We welcome you to submit a project that you are working on, or encourage others in your network to do the same!

For more information on project eligibility criteria, process, and how your projects may be featured in our online inventory, visit the Project Inventory Survey webpage.

If you have any questions, please contact

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