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Rancher Researcher Pilot

Alberta Beef Producers

Karin Schmid

2017 - 2020


Goal: Greenhouse Gas

Audience: Cow-Calf, Feedlot

Project Type: Pilot

Location: Alberta

This project is funded by Alberta Agriculture and Forestry’s Industry and Market Development program. It is designed as a pilot extension project that will link researchers directly with producers to examine new management practices or innovations that are applicable to their production systems, and why or why not producers adopt certain technologies.

Interviews with eight ranchers (locations: Wardlow, Gem, Hanna, Didsbury, Consort, Innisfail, Vermilion, Fort MacLeod) have been completed to get an in-depth understanding of their operation, production practices and current technology adoption level. Herd size on these ranches ranges from 170 to nearly 1100 cows.

The innovations that each rancher has indicated they would like to pursue are: DNA parentage testing, precision ranching (use of drones), soil testing, pasture rejuvenation with legumes, dugout improvements, cost of production analysis, improving access to water, herd information management, low-stress weaning, BlueTooth technology (scale), pasture health/utilization/animal movements software, and DNA hybrid vigour testing. Note: some chose the same innovations to implement.

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