
CRSB Elects 2018-19 Council

The Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef is pleased to announce the 2018-19 CRSB Council elected at its Annual General Meeting on Sept. 20 in Calgary AB.

Following four years leading the establishment and development of the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, Cherie Copithorne-Barnes passes the CRSB’s leadership torch to Anne Wasko of Eastend, SK.

We would like to thank Cherie for her outstanding leadership, passion and dedication to the CRSB and the advancement of sustainability in the Canadian beef industry.

The CRSB also welcomes Les Wall – Member at Large, to the Council.

2018 CRSB Council

Anne Wasko, Chair

Anne Wasko has been a market analyst for over 30 years focusing on the Canadian cattle and beef industry. She is currently a Market Analyst with Gateway Livestock Exchange based in Taber, Alberta. Anne makes numerous market outlook presentations to conferences across the country each year. She is a regular contributor to and RealAg Radio on Sirius. Prior to Gateway Livestock, Anne was the Senior Market Analyst with Canfax for 21 years. Anne has served as a CRSB Council member for the past year, and sits on the CRSB Communications & Marketing Committee.  She also sits on the Saskatchewan Agriculture Development Fund Advisory committee. She is a past Board Member of the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency and spent over 20 years as a volunteer at the Calgary Stampede.

Anne keeps her feet on the ground working alongside her husband, Barry, at their ranch in Eastend, SK. They run a VBP+ registered commercial cow-calf operation and have been involved in both the McDonald’s Verified Sustainable Beef Pilot and the Canadian Beef Sustainability Acceleration Pilot. Anne and Barry believe in sharing the story of where their beef comes from, and how it was produced.

Anne and Barry have 5 adult children between them and 8 (and counting) grandchildren who all love to spend time at the ranch. Golfing vacations to warm locations in the winter are their favourite pastime.

“I am excited about working closely with CRSB Council, staff and members to advance all the good sustainability work that has been done to date. I look forward to working with our members and supply chain partners in advancing sustainability in the Canadian beef industry.”

~Anne Wasko, CRSB Council Chair~

2018-19 Council Members
Supply Chain Stakeholders
Associations de producteurs de bovins

Ryan Beierbach, Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association
Greg Bowie, Alberta Beef Producers – re-elected
Bob Lowe, Canadian Cattlemen’s Association – re-elected

Les transformateurs

Ryan Clisdell, Cargill – re-elected by acclamation
Rob Meijer, JBS Canada

Secteur de la vente au détail et des services alimentaires

Jeffrey Fitzpatrick-Stilwell, McDonald’s – re-elected by acclamation
Chris Tindall, Costco

Associate Members
Organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG)

Tim Hardman, World Wildlife Fund US – re-elected
Kristine Tapley, Ducks Unlimited Canada

Entreprises des secteurs agricole et alimentaire

Deborah Wilson, BIX Systems

Membre en Générale

Les Wall, National Cattle Feeders Association – elected


Julie Dawson, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Sean Royer, Alberta Agriculture & Forestry
Grant Zalinko, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture

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